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I started this company to help people feel safer and more secure in their self-defense training. Over the years I have been to many trainings. While some were great, others had their share of problems. I created Dark Horse Training to have a very simple approach to training. How do we educate and equip you correctly to use a firearm and practice self-defense? Our goal is to help you feel comfortable around firearms and recognize when someone around you isn't practicing safety while in possession of one.
In a perfect situation one would begin training at a young age. I started in Boy Scouts and was the youngest Eagle Scout in CA at the time. I learned firearms basics from the Scouts and my father took the time to show me fundamentals of marksmanship and safety. I understand that not everyone has this opportunity and that's why I created Dark Horse Training.
I have spent a lot of time training and learning over the years and working in high stress environments. My background ranges from being trained as a Range Safety officer and Instructor by some of the best in the business. I have gone to NRA, USCCA, and LFP, training classes to keep training certifications up to date. I have trained under companies such as: Sheep Dog Response, US Navy Seal Jeff Gonzales of Trident Concepts, Raul Martinez of Rouge Methods, US Army Ranger Special Forces Mike Glover of Field Craft Survival, Army Ranger Kris Paranto, Army Rangers Dave Steinbeck and David Boush, John Correia of Active Self Protection, Greg Ellifritz of Active Response, and others.
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